Fouad iOS 1.4.1 – Download Official APK for Android

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Fouad iOS App is an iOS themed WhatsApp for Android Devices.

For years, ever since the development of social sites such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook, users have called for these platforms to introduce various modifications and upgrades into their systems that would make them more user-friendly.

However, since the original designers of these software aren’t willing to work on such requests, many developers have introduced their own versions, also known as MODS. WhatsApp is notorious for its fan base made of hundreds of third-party versions online.

One of the most prominent WhatsApp Mods is Fouad iOS WhatsApp, and in this guide, we’ll provide you with the ins and outs of this application and how you can benefit from its services.


What is Fouad iOS APK?

Fouad iOS is a WhatsApp Mod designed by MBMods to personalize your chatting experience by providing an iOS-styled theme and lots of personalization options at your convenience.

Some of the most prominent features that the app offers are focused on the user’s privacy. For example, you can now disable the forward tag on any forwarded message or freeze your last seen status.

You can also read deleted messages and customize your screen however you want it. These and much more are what you can expect from this anti-ban Mod with a brilliant iOS-themed UI.

If you need control over the platform from which you have private communications, then the Fouad iOS APK has finally granted it.

App Details

NameFouad iOS
DeveloperStefano YG
Size50 MB
Last updatedSeptember 15, 2024

Download Fouad iOS APK Latest Version for Android.

When MBMods designed their official WhatsApp Mod, they came up with two versions with similar features but different package names. Apart from the Fouad iOS, there’s also MBWhatsapp or MBWA.

Technically, the Fouad iOS is used to replace the original WhatsApp application on your phone. This means that you cannot use it as an extra WhatsApp application without uninstalling the original.

With the MBWA, you can install the app separately but will have to use a different account for it. However, you get the same experience with either version. Download the latest version of Fouad iOS APK today and enjoy the tons of customizable options that make communications more user-friendly.


There are hundreds of unique and fantastic features that Fouad iOS has to offer its users, and these include:

iOS Style UI


Android and iOS both have unique and attractive features that their users can be proud of. However, it’s normal for someone from one OS to covet the qualities of another system due to some specific functions that prove to be more aesthetic than the other.

When it comes to WhatsApp, iOS has shown a remarkable design in its layout that even Android users acknowledge. The Fouad iOS APK comes with a home iOS Style to give users that desirable outlook whenever they’re chatting with friends on the app.

This delightful appeal is what’s making many Android users fall for Fouad iOS as a viable option for a more user-friendly connection with friends and family.

Freeze Your Last Seen Time


If you were ignoring someone or a certain message that someone sent you for various reasons that are probably private, they would realize your intentions immediately after you get online without even opening any inbox.

Your last seen time informs other parties about the last time you were online on WhatsApp, and with the original app, you can’t get away with it. However, with Fouad iOS APK, you can opt to freeze your last seen time, and nobody would realize the actual last time you were online. That means you can text anyone else or browse through your app without giving people a clue as to your status online.

Set Restrictions on Calls


We’ve all probably had that one contact we wouldn’t want to pick up whenever they call. In fact, sometimes a call from them can ruin your day, so you try your best to ignore it without hurting their feelings or letting them know that you’re intentionally ignoring their calls.

The original WhatsApp doesn’t let you block calls from a specific individual without blocking the entire contact first. However, the Fouad iOS APK lets users set who can and cannot call them whether or not they’re online.

Anti-delete Status


Sometimes, people might post content on their status and delete it later on due to regret. Other times, it could be because the content has grown old and deserves to be taken down. Whatever the reason is, once it’s deleted, no one else with the original WhatsApp messenger application can view it again.

However, if you were to install Fouad iOS APK, you can opt to turn on the anti-delete status option from the settings. This function prevents any deleted stories or statuses from being deleted for you. You can even view people’s status long after their airing period has expired. Talk about power in your pocket.

Hide View Status

You can hide view status with Fouad IOS

People post different statuses for different reasons. Some could just be trying to entertain their followers or friends with memes and other funny content, while others tend to let out their feelings. It’s normal and completely okay to use your status privileges for any reasons that seem fit for you and the creators of the app.

However, sometimes, we’d like to view people’s statuses without letting them know that we did. Whatever reason it could be, probably because you’d want to avoid unnecessary or uncomfortable conversations in your inbox, the original version of WhatsApp will always be a tattle-tale.

The Fouad iOS APK, on the other hand, allows you to hide view status, and the owner won’t even know you were present in their story. This way, even if the post or content was targeted towards you, you won’t give them the satisfaction of knowing you saw it.

Anti-delete Messages


Have you ever opened your inbox with the hope of reading the new messages but found them already deleted before you could read the content? The act leaves you nervous and anxious to find out what has been erased without making the other party uncomfortable.

Sometimes, we tend to ignore it, but deep down, it eats us up. You no longer have to stress yourself over such issues. The Fouad iOS APK has an anti-delete messages option that allows you to read deleted messages without alerting the sender that you actually got the message, even if it was erased.

Show Blueticks After Reply


Whenever someone sends you a message, and it’s sent to your inbox, a grey tick usually appears from their end. Once you connect to the internet and the message is delivered, double grey ticks appear. The moment you enter your inbox and read it, they become blue ticks, and the sender will be expecting a reply.

Sometimes, we don’t have an appropriate reply and need some time to think of one without leaving the sender to read. Other times, we may be too tired to reply or just don’t have it in us to give one. In such scenarios, the Fouad iOS comes in handy by offering you something that the original WhatsApp application cannot do.

Show blue ticks after the reply. That’s right, the message will only be labelled as read once you send a reply, giving you all the time in the world. Combine this with the frozen last-seen time, and you’re automatically a ghost on the app.

Anti-view Once


WhatsApp recently added a few encouraging options to their system. Now, you can send content to anyone and only restrict it to one view. This means that the receiver can only view the content once before it’s automatically destroyed.

Kind of like Snapchat. However, this feature can also be an inconvenience especially when you haven’t clearly viewed the content and need a review. The Fouad iOS APK allows users to turn on the “Anti-View once” option that removes all restrictions on content and allows you to go through them as many times as you’d wish.

WhatsApp Lock

fouad ios offers whatsapp lock

The Fouad iOS APK comes with its own app lock feature. You don’t need to download an app lock or use your phone’s settings to secure this WhatsApp Mod. In the security section, you can choose to lock your WhatsApp from intruders using a pin, pattern, or fingerprint if your phone has such a security feature.

In case you forget your PIN or pattern, you can even have a preset security question with an answer that you cannot forget to help you access your account. You can also change the pattern, make it invisible, remove pattern vibration, and even change the patterned wallpaper.

Change Chat Privacy Settings


When it comes to your chats from individual contacts, groups, or broadcasts, there are a few privacy settings you can play within the Fouad iOS APK. You can decide to hide blue ticks, hide the second tick, hide the blue microphone, hide the typing tag, and the recording tag whenever you’re sending a voice note.

Sticker Manager


The sticker manager found in Fouad iOS allows users access to tons of stickers from their phones. You can download as many stickers as you wish and use them in conversations to make your chatting experience as lively as possible.

Customization Themes


There are thousands of customization Themes for your app with the Fouad iOS APK. Simply download the necessary plugins and download all these amazing themes that are designed to transform your UI into an attractive masterpiece.

Hide the Date and Name


When you’re copying more than one message from one inbox and pasting it to another, the date of the message and the name of the sender is usually included. This gives you the tiring task of having to carefully edit out such details.

However, the Fouad iOS APK gives you the chance to hide the date and name when copying more than one message. This way, you can comfortably copy messages without worrying about leaving any evidence.

Custom Wallpaper per Contact


That’s right! You can set a custom wallpaper for each of your contacts. This way, you get an aesthetic appeal whenever you open any conversation because the wallpaper is different from the other chats. You can even go as far as setting a personal profile picture as the wallpaper in your chat with that specific individual. This only works if a profile picture exists.

Confirm Before Sending a Sticker


Unintended messages can land you in a lot of trouble, forcing you to produce detailed explanations for the misunderstanding. The same thing applies to stickers. Usually, when you tap on any sticker in the original WhatsApp application while in a conversation, it’s automatically sent to the party at the other end.

Sometimes, we end up sending the wrong sticker, creating mixed feelings just because we couldn’t confirm our selection. However, the Fouad iOS WhatsApp allows users to confirm before sending a sticker just to be on the safer side of a conversation.

Bubble and Ticks

Here, there are various customizable options for the look and feel of your ticks and bubbles. Ticks are the symbols that indicate a message has been delivered or read while bubbles are the shapes that contain the message text from the conversing parties.

You can choose between a broad range of different tock styles, such as the normal ticks, alien, minions, feet, and joker traffic, among other options. While the options may sound weird, it’s actually quite an exciting adventure. You can also choose between different conversation bubbles like 3D, rounded, transparent, and even the iOS version, among others.

Final Words

If you’re looking for a more optimized WhatsApp Mod that provides users with full control over their chatting experience along with value for every customizable option, the Fouad iOS APK is definitely for you.

With tons of features and settings that were otherwise unavailable in the original WhatsApp application, the Fouad iOS APK creates a separate connection quality adored by many. Go for it and take back power to your texting privacy.